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It's obvious that Pawar doesn't witness ‘acche din’

Sharad Pawar, aka Saheb, the name, his personality, his aura – all very distinctive. How can a lay person like me even begin to talk about him. Sahyadri, since 1967, has been closely observing his moves. Earlier people used to flock to hear him, but these days his meetings wear a deserted look. At times they even get cancelled. But still Saheb does not intend to quit politics. Politics is not like cricket. In cricket, when a star player tries to delay his retirement, the BCCI ensures that he calls it for the day. But in Sharad Pawar’s case, there is no one who can actually tell him that his aura is somehow fading, people are no longer wanting to hear him and hence he must step down from the position. Unfortunately, since he is the chief of his party there is no one even to force him into taking retirement from work.

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